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Glucosamine favorably with Tietze syndrome (costochondritis)?

2017 February 24


I would like to know to what extent it is known whether glucosamine has a beneficial effect on the Tietze syndrome.

Only once before has anyone asked if our supplements have an effect on the Tietze syndrome (costochondritis). I replied that the effect with this syndrome has not been researched. But it nevertheless seemed worth trying I said. This person has not tried it.

Glucosamine works slightly inflammatory. However, it seems that the anti-inflammatory effect of glucosamine is relatively good when it comes to some connective tissues and joint cartilage. Skin, joints and bursae respond reasonably well and tendons pretty bad.[omega-3-rechts]

The cartilage in the ribs that has been inflamed with the Tietze syndrome can also be categorized under joints. But these cartilage connections have less of an exchange of substances with the surrounding tissue than normal moving joints (movement ensures transportation of the nutrients). Therefore it seems to me that the effect of glucosamine with costochondritis is more comparable with the effect of tendonitis (not much effect) than the effect with arthritis

Also, costochondritis is similar to rheumatoid arthritis. That means that the inflammatory process is the result of an immune reaction.. For this, glucosamine doesn’t work as well.

With rheumatoid arthritis, fish oil/omega-3 yields the best result out of all the supplements. Research has been done on the effect of fish oil/omega-3 in rheumatoid arthritis. Fish oil seems to be somewhat effective. But the dosages are pretty hefty. Side effects (particularly blood thinning) can not be ruled out. The dosage equals to be 8 of our fish oil capsules per day. Perhaps in the long run, a lower dosage is also effective.

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