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Glucosamine and fish oil: what is their shelf-life, keeping in the refrigerator?

2017 March 13

What is the shelf-life of your glucosamine, chondroitin and fish oil? Can I order two or three years in advance? And can I postpone the shelf-life by keeping the products in the refrigerator?[glucosamine-rechts]

Our glucosamine can be kept well for 3 years and chondroitin 2,5 years. But also after the expiry date the products may still be used for another couple of months. Of course you can choose to keep the products in the refrigerator, but that will not extend the shelf-life. The products may not be frozen! Keeping them in a dark dry and cool place will just do.

Our fish oil/Omega-3 has generally a shelf-life of almost 2 years (that is the maximum after production, the batches we sell are never older than a few months). Since the oil will crystallize (just likeĀ  e.g. olive oil) fish oil/ Omega-3 should not, in contrast to glucosamine and chondroitin, be kept in the refrigerator. The ideal temperature for storage is room temperature.


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