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Glucosamine and other products gluten and shrimp free?

2017 March 13
by admin


Since I am allergic to gluten and shrimps, I would like to know if your products are gluten and shrimp free.

Our glucosamine, chondroitin, fish oil and Arthro-5 are gluten free. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that for ASU Forte and Arthro-5.

Glucosamine is derived from the shells of shellfish such as shrimps and crabs. In case of a serious shellfish allergy the use is not recommended. The same applies to Arthro-5, in which glucosamine is processed.



Does glucosamine help with osteoarthritis in the back of a horse?

2017 March 13

Our horse has osteoarthritis in the back. Can I help him with glucosamine?[glucosamine-rechts]

The combination of glucosamine and chondroitin often lead to good results in horses. It mostly concerns osteoarthritis at the limbs of horses. We have less experience as to osteoarthritis in the back. But it will certainly be worthwhile trying the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin. With people with osteoarthritis in the back usually only this combination gives an effect (not with merely glucosamine). Furthermore, this is where a lot of patience comes in.

The recommended dosage in horses is 6 capsules of 750 mg glucosamine and 6 capsules with 600 mg chondroitin a day. The capsules can be mixed into the food; the horse usually eats them.


Can I order a sample package of glucosamine?

2017 March 13
by admin

Is it possible to order a sample package of glucosamine? e.g. 5 or 10 capsules?

Unfortunately we do not offer sample packages. The reason for that is simple: our supplements belong to the so-called ‘symptomatic slow acting drugs’, meaning that people notice the effect first after a couple of weeks and sometimes even after a couple of months. We would love to offer you some capsules to try. But that is of no use, since you won’t  notice the effect of 5 or 10 capsules, not even of a couple of dozens. Only a normal bottle containing 180 capsules will normally be enough to determine the effect.


Are there any smaller capsules of glucosamine available?

2017 March 13

Are there any smaller capsules of your products like glucosamine available? I fear that I will not be able to swallow the capsules.

Unfortunately we do not offer very small capsules. That would drive up the price too much. Moreover, in that case there are also people who dread taking a larger amount of capsules.

Nevertheless, there is another solution, a lot of people make use of: the capsules can easily be opened by moving apart the capsule halfs. The powder in the capsule can be dissolved in water, yogurt and fruit juice.



How long should I take Arthro-5?

2017 March 13


What is the recommended time period to take Arthro-5?

Arthro-5 is just like other supplements meant for permanent use. The effect of the supplement is generally noticed after a couple of weeks or months. Once someone stops taking the supplements, the effect will endure another couple of weeks or months. But eventually the effect will stop. That is the reason most people use our supplements without interruption. If cost is an object, Arthro-5 can be alternated with e.g. glucosamine.  However, to achieve the best result we advise to use  Arthro-5 for an uninterrupted period of at least three months.


Glucosamine and fish oil: what is their shelf-life, keeping in the refrigerator?

2017 March 13

What is the shelf-life of your glucosamine, chondroitin and fish oil? Can I order two or three years in advance? And can I postpone the shelf-life by keeping the products in the refrigerator?[glucosamine-rechts]

Our glucosamine can be kept well for 3 years and chondroitin 2,5 years. But also after the expiry date the products may still be used for another couple of months. Of course you can choose to keep the products in the refrigerator, but that will not extend the shelf-life. The products may not be frozen! Keeping them in a dark dry and cool place will just do.

Our fish oil/Omega-3 has generally a shelf-life of almost 2 years (that is the maximum after production, the batches we sell are never older than a few months). Since the oil will crystallize (just like  e.g. olive oil) fish oil/ Omega-3 should not, in contrast to glucosamine and chondroitin, be kept in the refrigerator. The ideal temperature for storage is room temperature.


Take the capsules all at once or spread throughout the day?

2017 March 13
by admin


What is for the use of Arthro-5 most effective, twice a day 3 capsules or 6 capsules at once? Or maybe something else? I would like to see the best result of taking this supplement.

For the effect of Arthro-5 but also of e.g. glucosamine it makes no difference if the capsules are taken at once or spread throughout the day. For that reason we leave the choice to the user, who can choose what is best for him or her. What we do recommend is to take the capsules during a meal.


Trouble swallowing your capsules: do you have sachets or another solution?

2017 March 13


I really have trouble swallowing your capsules and therefore use a product that is packaged in sachets. Can you deliver them as well? Or is there another solution?

For us it is not achievable to deliver products in sachets. It is pretty expensive and there is only a low demand.

But there is another solution. We deliver all our products in capsule shape. Except for the fish oil capsules, all other capsules can easily be opened by moving apart the capsule halfs. The powder in the capsule can be dissolved in water (glucosamine), yogurt and fruit juice. That way swallowing is no longer a problem.


Can I lose weight with Omega-3?

2017 March 10


Can I use your product Omega-3 to lose weight?

Omega-3 can contribute to weight loss. The effect is not spectacular, but also not negligible. A use of  Omega-3 (2 capsules a day) for a year delivers approximately about 1 kilo of fat loss. Besides Omega-3 offers another range of advantages. Who does not eat enough of fatty fish – 2 till 3 times a week- would do well to take extra Omega-3 by means of a fish oil supplement.

I do not experience any fishy tasty reflux when using your fish oil. How is that possible?

2017 March 10


I received the fish oil I ordered and ingested it. I notice that I do not experience any fishy tasty reflux, that I experienced when using the pharmacist’s fish oil. Do you supply real fish oil of good quality?

Our fish oil is deodorised, meaning that the fish taste and odour are significantly lower than with most other brands. That only tells in a good way something about the product quality. Only quality fish oil like those of Marinoil C38 manufactured by Lipi Nutrition in the Netherlands are deodorised. It is an expensive treatment.