5262 Reviews
I will take this the rest of my life
March 9, 2018 21:39
Ezequiel Bradley
This is a super good product. Normally speaking I am a bit reticent with extracts, because extracts are often made by adding chemicals to remove something, which is then still a bad thing. But I just found the patent to it and read how the extraction is made. Only water is used. They take 495 kilos guava fruit pulp, 2.5 kilos holy basil and 2.5 kilos lemon rind. They add two thousand litres of water and warm it up to 50 to 65 degrees. It sits like that for six hours, and it is only stirred. This is filtered and then dried until it becomes powder. So nothing chemical. The ratios of the B vitamins are the same as they come in nature. So it’s perfect, I will keep taking it for the rest of my life. And the price is certainly not high.